Alex, of course!
Today he had his 2 year check up with the doctor. I was so nervous about this visit because I knew he needed to get a shot or two. He is just so aware of what is going on these days and I didn't think he would react well to someone trying to stick him in the leg with a needle.
Selim and I also had to get our flu shots today. It was an ordeal just getting Selim to the doctor's office. He won't admit it, but he is terrified of needles. So you can imagine his excitement when he found out they now offer a nasal mist vaccine instead of a shot. That happiness was short-lived, though, as we soon realized you cannot get the mist if you have asthma. Poor Selim.
Alex watched Selim and I get our shots and was very impressed by our "stickers" (aka Tweety Bird band-aids)
He told the nurse he wanted one, please!
When she gave him the shot he looked angry for a brief second, like he was thinking "that isn't a sticker!" but before he could react, she popped a band-aid on his leg.
My brave boy responded to his shot with a "Yea! Thank you!"
Yes, he actually thanked the nurse for his shot.
Yes, he actually thanked the nurse for his shot.
Oh, and it turned out, out of the 3 of us, Alex was the only one eligible for the nasal mist. You can't get it if you have asthma or are pregnant.
And even though Selim wasn't the bravest boy today and he certainly didn't thank the nurse for his shot, he did put on a brave face for Alex and he didn't yell at the nice lady. And for that, Selim gets his very own picture on the blog tonight!

Check out that Tweety Bird band-aid!