Monday, September 29, 2008

We're ok!

So I fell down. While pregnant. And holding Alex. Not my finest moment by a long shot. But we are all ok.
I have a skinned knee and some bruises on my leg and Alex was terrified, but other than that we are fine.
The dr. wanted to do an ultrasound just to make sure we didn't rattle Owen too much in the fall. Everything looks great, though. He weighs about 1.5 pounds and is just as cute as can be! It is amazing how much he has grown in 4 weeks. (And me, too! I gained 7 pounds in 4 weeks. Yikes!)

Falling while pregnant is never a good plan, but at least we got more pictures of Owen. So enjoy this one, it didn't come easy.

Now, if only I could get Alex to quit telling people that Mommy dropped him...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Birthday Party and a Big Boy Room! What a Weekend!

Alex went to a gymnastics party for his little friend Ellarie's 2nd birthday! He had a great time jumping on the trampolines and playing with everyone. I think his favorite part was the cupcake, though.

We also started on the big boy room this weekend! The painting is almost all finished, then we move on to putting the furniture together and decorating. Alex is very excited about this new room. Pictures to come soon...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

We Survived Ike!

As most of you already know we made it through Ike with no damage to our home or family! We were without power for about 2 days, though. That was rough. We have never been so happy to hear our a/c kick on.
The worst part of having no power was just the heat and trying to keep Alex cool. The kid wouldn't slow down at all and spent both days just dripping with sweat.

Selim's club was untouched! That is a miracle. We were really worried that it would have flooded, or that the bubbles that cover half of the tennis courts would have blown away!
So he is back to work, but it is pretty slow. Most of his clients are busy repairing their homes or they have left the city until they get their power back.

We never worried once about my office, so of course it is in shambles. The roof was torn off of the entire office building. Our actual offices were flooded and have pieces of the ceiling everywhere. They are estimating at least 2 weeks before we can get back in.
The firm has not made a decision on what our next step is. We might relocate, we might find temporary space, we might live in a trailer in the parking lot?
The courts are all up and running again, though. So I am back to business as usual, just without an office to go to.

All in all, we were very lucky!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricane Preparation

We spent the day getting ready for our visit from Ike. I think we have everything covered.
The highlight of Alex's day was helping his daddy take everything from the backyard and place it safely in the garage. (No flying lawnchairs on our watch!)

He even parked his toy lawnmower proudly next to his daddy's lawnmower and repeatedly informed our neighbors that he was helping his daddy clean the garage.

He was so hot and sweaty after he finished that he had to go straight into the bath! No argument from him, of course...

The boy loves his bath!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Who is the bravest boy ever?!

Alex, of course!
Today he had his 2 year check up with the doctor. I was so nervous about this visit because I knew he needed to get a shot or two. He is just so aware of what is going on these days and I didn't think he would react well to someone trying to stick him in the leg with a needle.
Selim and I also had to get our flu shots today. It was an ordeal just getting Selim to the doctor's office. He won't admit it, but he is terrified of needles. So you can imagine his excitement when he found out they now offer a nasal mist vaccine instead of a shot. That happiness was short-lived, though, as we soon realized you cannot get the mist if you have asthma. Poor Selim.
Alex watched Selim and I get our shots and was very impressed by our "stickers" (aka Tweety Bird band-aids)
He told the nurse he wanted one, please!
When she gave him the shot he looked angry for a brief second, like he was thinking "that isn't a sticker!" but before he could react, she popped a band-aid on his leg.
My brave boy responded to his shot with a "Yea! Thank you!"
Yes, he actually thanked the nurse for his shot.
Oh, and it turned out, out of the 3 of us, Alex was the only one eligible for the nasal mist. You can't get it if you have asthma or are pregnant.
And even though Selim wasn't the bravest boy today and he certainly didn't thank the nurse for his shot, he did put on a brave face for Alex and he didn't yell at the nice lady. And for that, Selim gets his very own picture on the blog tonight!

Check out that Tweety Bird band-aid!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Big Boy Room

So cute! If you ask Alex what his baby brother's name is he will proudly tell you it's Owen! I love it.
Today he kissed my belly and said "Hi, Owen! Bye! Call me!"

We have started the process of getting Alex's big boy room ready for him. It is surprisingly a much more emotional task than I had anticipated. For some reason I am starting to get a little sad/freaked out about moving him out of his nursery! (But I am also having a hard time dealing with him turning 2!)
It will still be a while before the room is ready, so I have time to adjust, but I think I might cry before it is all said and done.

We decided to move his room way before Owen's arrival. We don't want him to have too much change at once or to feel like his little brother is taking over and booting him out of his own room! So we are going to pick out paint colors and start getting his new space ready for him. Hopefully he will be all settled in and adjusted long before Owen is born.

As soon as we figure out what direction we are going with the room I will post pictures. We are thinking of doing a car and/or airplane theme!